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The RCCO does not endorse advertisements or guarantee their accuracy. Although we try to keep the listings current, some of the positions listed here may already be filled. Please note that the RCCO reserves the right to refuse to publish advertising that it deems not in the best interests of its membership.

Members who are seeking employment are urged to refer to The Employment of a Church Musician , available from the RCCO Store, and the salary table and model contracts. Members may also wish to contact the Chair of the Professional Support Committee or their Centre professional support liaison for further information.

Le CRCO n'est pas garant du contenu ni de l'exactitude des annonces. Bien que nous nous efforcions de tenir ces listes à jour, certains postes peuvent avoir déjà été pourvus. Veuillez noter que le CRCO se réserve le droit de refuser la publication d'une annonce s'il lui paraît qu'elle n'est pas dans le meilleur intérêt de ses membres.

Il est fortement recommandé aux membres cherchant un emploi de se référer à Engager un musicien d'église, disponible sur la Boutique du CRCCO, et aux tables des salaires et contrats-types. Il pourra également être bénéfiques à ces membres de prendre contact avec la présidence du comité au soutien professionnel ou la liaison au soutien professionnel de leur centre pour plus d'informations.

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  • 03 July 2024 9:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Newmarket, Ontario (just a short drive north of Toronto), is seeking a part-time Organist and Choir Director who will continue to build on the choral excellence so highly valued by our congregation. The St. Paul’s SATB Choir, a 15-member group of dynamic, strong and competent singers, leads the congregation in traditional Anglican choral liturgy each Sunday morning at 10am., and at special services throughout the year. The Psalm and responses are sung each week, led by one of several cantors within the Choir. Anthems are regularly sung by the Choir. The Choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evening from September to June, and prior to each service.

    St. Paul’s has wonderful acoustics and is equipped with a two manual Allen Digital organ that has excellent pipe organ sound reproduction. There is also a beautifully refurbished Mason & Hamlin heritage baby grand piano.

    The position is 10 hours per week. Vacation and sick days are provided. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualifications as described in the RCCO Salary Guidelines. Familiarity with Anglican Church liturgy will be a definite asset but is not a requirement.

    Applications (which will be treated in strictest confidence) will be received until the post is filled. Preferred start date is September 1. Please send any inquiries and/or your resume to : Information about St. Paul’s can be found at
  • 25 June 2024 12:27 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Music is a vital part of the life at MacKay. We have various services throughout the year (including weekly Sunday services) along with a Music & Meditation series on Tuesday evenings (featuring jazz music and poetry). As our Minister, Peter Woods, is also an accomplished and active jazz musician, in June, weekly jazz concerts are held in the church to celebrate Ottawa’s Jazz festival.

    We have a small, knowledgeable and dedicated choir who most often sing in unison with occasional harmony. The choir provides leadership for the congregation to join in singing. Choir rehearsals are every Thursday evening from September to June.

    The main instruments used to support Sunday service are a grand piano and a classic two-tier organ (with pedals). Sunday service also includes providing accompaniment for guest solo singers and other musicians (violin, horns).

    And since our community is experiencing some recent growth, there could be opportunities to work with the youth at MacKay.

    This position would work in collaboration with our Minister and provide support for the musical programming needs of our community. It is anticipated that this position would require 12-15 hours per week (includes specific set times for services and choir practice) and would be remunerated commensurate with RCCO guidelines.

    If you are interested and would like more information, please contact the church office at 613-749-8727 or email

    Thank you for considering and have a blessed day!

  • 25 June 2024 12:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Job Title:        Principal Organist & Assistant Director of Music

    Contract:         Part-time (average 14 hrs/week), plus weddings and funerals, ad hoc

    Base Salary:    Commensurate with qualifications and experience (RCCO recommended rates)

    Reports to:      Director of Music; Rector

    Applications are invited for the above position. Prospective candidates should forward letters of interest and resumes by July 31. Applications received after this may not be considered. It is anticipated that auditions and interviews will be held during September 2024. All applications are treated in strictest confidence. Applications and enquiries should be directed to Roderick Bryce, Director of Music,

    Duties and responsibilities

    The person appointed will assist the Director of Music (DoM) in any and all aspects of their work and playing a full part in the life and work of the Basilica and its music ministry. They will be a musician of exceptional standard, with a breadth of experience and knowledge of liturgical music and with a mature approach to working in a busy and demanding professional environment. They will be a well-organised, efficient administrator with the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people. The Principal Organist will head a team of 2-3 organists and organ scholar, sharing the playing responsibilities.

    A detailed list of duties will be agreed and reviewed annually. These will include (but not limited to):

    1. Playing the organ to a high standard for some liturgies, including accompanying the Schola Cantorum, and selecting and developing an imaginative, appropriate and varied organ repertoire for use in the Basilica;

    2. Assisting as required with the administration of the music department, with particular responsibility for organising the cantors and organists’ schedule, any organ recitals, and overseeing maintenance of the Basilica’s Casavant organs, in consultation with the DoM;

    3. Coordinating the musical arrangements for special services such as weddings, funerals and school liturgies (all subject to additional fees) - liaising with the organisers, agreeing musical content and assigning/booking musicians as required;

    4. Attending occasional departmental meetings for planning and other occassional meetings called by the rector or DoM;

    5. Fostering, in full collaboration with the rector, assistant clergy and the DoM the highest standards in all the constituent parts of music and liturgy.

    Within the guidelines above, this position is a flexible one, allowing scope for bringing new interests and strengths to the Basilica. It is a part-time position.

    Qualifications and experience

    Candidates will have a proven record of exemplary organ performance at the highest professional level, including excellent accompanying and improvisation skills. Appropriate musical and academic qualifications including relevant experience is essential.

    All staff and volunteers of the St Joseph’s Basilica and the Archdiocese of Edmonton are expected to comply with the Archdiocesan Safe Environments and Abuse Prevention program. This will entail relevant Police Information Checks, and the completion of ‘Called to Protect’ training sessions.

    Candidates must possess the ability to work collaboratively with the Basilica’s pastoral team and must be able to train and inspire people to fulfill their musical potential. Excellent interpersonal skills and a spirit of generosity is essential.

    A good working knowledge of social media as well as good computer skills will be beneficial, as well as experience with Sibelius or other music notation software.

    Although it is not essential that the applicant be Roman Catholic, the Basilica will look for evidence of candidates’ familiarity with the full wealth of Catholic liturgical and musical practice and the potential to deepen and further their knowledge and understanding of it.

    Candidates should show awareness of the distinctive nature and ethos of Catholic worship, with particular emphasis on the musical traditions of liturgy. They will also be expected to possess detailed knowledge of the teachings of the Church relating to music and liturgy. We will look for an imaginative and constructive attitude to non-choral liturgical music, including congregational services.

    Additional opportunities

    It is expected that the person appointed will naturally wish to pursue a wider musical career, and so it is hoped that it will be possible to combine a certain amount of other work, such as teaching, with duties at the Basilica.

    Sacred Organ Academy

    It is hoped that any new organist will spearhead the Sacred Organ Academy initiative desired within the Archdiocese, offering lessons and workshops on the organ. This Basilica-based project would provide lessons for children and young adults (either new organists or pianists wanting to transfer and improve their keyboard skills). The Basilica would provide teaching space and help promote this cultural endeavour to provide organists and church musicians for the future. Teaching fees would be met by the pupils themselves.

  • 21 June 2024 1:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary Alberta

    Music Director reporting to Lead Minister

    Organist reporting to Music Director

    Grace Presbyterian Church Calgary Alberta is seeking two individuals to assume choral and keyboard music leadership.  Grace Church has a longstanding reputation for music excellence within the Calgary community.  It is an exciting time as a new Lead Minister has come to Grace.

    The sanctuary is one of the most beautiful in Calgary with a well-maintained Casavant Pipe Organ.  The organ was refurbished in 2002 and the console digitized, more pipework added and   total now exceeds 3,300 pipes.  The Choir has 18– 22 SATB voices. There is also a handbell choir which participates in worship on an occasional basis.  Recently a youth choir was created and has performed twice within the past year.  

    The Choir rehearses twice weekly – one evening and one prior to worship from September to June.  The Music Director would meet weekly with the Lead Minister who is the direct report for the Director position.  In addition, the Director would attend the Spiritual Growth committee meetings and be responsible for the budget.  This is a part time position for up to 30 hours per week depending on experience.  

    The Organist will report to the Music Director and work for up to 15 hours per week based on experience.

    Continuing education funds are available, vacation is provided, and a benefits package is optional. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and qualifications as described in the RCCO Salary Guidelines. Applications (which will be treated in strictest confidence) will be received until July 19, 2024, or until the post is filled. Please direct inquiries or applications to Our congregation’s profile and copies of the position descriptions are available at

  • 19 June 2024 1:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are seeking a Director of Music Ministry who will oversee, coordinate and administer all the musical activities in the church

    Specific duties include:

    - Prepare the congregation for worship by playing appropriate music, beginning at least 10 minutes before the start of the service
    - Provide music throughout the service for hymns, offertory, choral responses, benedictions etc.
    - Prepare for seasonal and special events (Christmas Eve, Deck the Halls, midweek Lenten services, Good Friday etc.)
    - Lead, educate and nurture the choir and actively recruit new members
    - Hold choir rehearsals one evening per week and before church Sunday morning
    - Select appropriate music for anthems, the seasons etc. and coordinate with the minister regarding the service music
    - Practice and rehearsal preparation time
    - Ensure that the church organ ("Classic" 2 manual organ with full AGO pedal board; complete set of toe piston presets, transposer function and full intro and intra manual couplers), piano (Yamaha G2 grand piano) and any other musical equipment are well maintained
    - Maintain music library
    - Meet with the Music and Worship Committee to plan for upcoming services and events (3-4 times per year)
    - Provide or arrange for music as requested at other church events such as weddings, funerals etc. (separately compensated)

    Technical and Personal Qualification:

    - Proficiency in playing the organ and piano
    - Skill and dedication in leading musical worship, giving strong musical direction and providing leadership and caring guidance for the choir.
    - Experience in singing in choirs would be an asset

    Yearly renewable contract with an annual fee in accordance with RCCO guidelines on an average weekly workload of 10-15 hours.

    Applications will be received up to and including August 2nd, 2024

    If interested and qualified, kindly send your resume and cover letter to: Graceview Presbyterian Church c/o

    Information about our church can be found on our website.

  • 19 June 2024 12:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Organizational Overview
    As an international congregation of women religious, the mission of the Sisters of Charity is to give joyful witness to love, especially to those most in need. Some members of the Sisters of Charity reside at Caritas Residence, a retirement community overlooking the beautiful Bedford Basin in Halifax, N.S. Caritas Residence provides a comfortable and peaceful retirement community within a picturesque, park-like setting on the grounds near the former Sisters of Charity Motherhouse and adjacent to Mount Saint Vincent University. Caritas Residence is a managed facility and provides independent and assisted living, as well as long term care to the Sisters and other male and female residents. 

    Role Overview
    The ideal candidate will fulfill the responsibilities of Liturgical Music Coordinator for the Sisters of Charity, working closely with the Chaplain at Caritas, the local Leadership Team and the Liturgy Committee. This unique position entails selecting and leading liturgical music, which is an integral aspect of the Sisters’ spiritual life. Administrative support is available. The Liturgical Music Coordinator is accountable to the Sisters of Charity Retirement Centre Coordinator and the Sisters of Charity.

    In this contract position much of the preparation for the masses/services and administration work can be done remotely. 

    Summary of Duties
    - Select the music, play and lead the singing at one Sunday Mass each week, using the Sunday Lectionary as the primary guide for the focus of music selection.
    - Select music, play, and lead the singing at special services (approximately one per month) i.e. Feast Day, Funerals; Christmas, Easter Triduum.
    - Participate in monthly meetings of the Liturgy Committee.

    - An understanding of the traditions and liturgical life of the Roman Catholic Church.
    - Experience as a pastoral musician in a parish/liturgical setting.
    - Skill at playing the piano and/or organ.
    - Sensitivity to the mission and values of the Sisters of Charity-Halifax.
    - Passion for working with and caring for people.

    Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility
    We foster and value a community that reflects, responds to, and embraces the people we serve. We have a strong commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. We welcome applications from all qualified candidates who may contribute to the diversification of our community. Candidates are welcome to voluntarily self-identify in their application.

    Annual Remuneration
    This is a contract position with an annual remuneration of $8000-$10,000/year, based on skills and experience

    - The deadline to apply is ASAP or until a suitable candidate is hired.
    - Preferred start date mid-August.
    - Please apply with both a resume and cover letter detailing qualifications to email address: with the subject line: Liturgical Music Coordinator.
    - Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

    Thank you for your interest in the Sisters of Charity, Caritas Residence.

  • 17 June 2024 12:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church in midtown Toronto is seeking an experienced organist beginning this September 2024. 

    This is an organist position.  Commitment as organist is to play at the weekly weekend masses (4 masses), accompany choir rehearsals (Thursday evenings), (approximately 8 hours per week), and play for weddings and funerals as they occur.  Remuneration is as current compensation per event.  There is a separate choir director/cantor who will choose the music.

    Our congregation has a long tradition of exceptional and strong musical appreciation and we are looking for the right person to share the love of music in our ministry playing our beautiful cassavant-mix organ.  Information about the instrument’s history is available upon request. 

    Please send your CV showing your experience and previous positions to: 

    Mira Jung,  email:  

    cc to Father Frank McDevitt, email:

     We look forward to meeting with you! 

  • 11 June 2024 8:35 AM | Anonymous

    Willowdale Emmanuel United Church is looking for a part time (10 hours per week) Music Director who will play the organ, piano, direct the small choir and will work closely with the Minister and Worship Committee.  Duties include:  leadership of the music ministry - music for Sunday Services, choir rehearsals and music preparation for special events such as vacation bible camp, funerals, weddings etc.

    The church has a beautiful 3 manual Casavant pipe organ and a 9ft Steinway concert grand piano.

    With over 200 years of history in North York, Willowdale Emmanuel UC aspires to be an intercultural church and continues to serve a changing multicultural community near Yonge and Finch/Sheppard area.

    Compensation based on RCCO guidelines and as agreed between the successful applicant and Willowdale Emmanuel United Church.

    Please send resume by July 15, 2024 to: Search Committee, Willowdale Emmanuel United Church, 349 Kenneth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 4V9 or email to: 

    Start Date:  September 1st, 2024

  • 06 June 2024 11:32 AM | Anonymous

    Let us get to know you at Royal St. George’s College. Develop collaborative and meaningful relationships in a community where authenticity and individuality are celebrated. Further develop your professional practice and thrive in our learning community of equity-minded faculty and staff. We’re committed to fostering well-being by building on a culture of inclusivity and belonging while delivering on the Vision of the College: “Lifelong Georgians ready to use their scholarship, compassion, conscience and courage to make a difference.”

    Reflecting our Mission Statement, we aspire to support all learners in our community, adults and students in their pursuit to become the best version of themselves.

    Intuitively, you’ll represent the College with professionalism and integrity and your values align with RSGC Values that guide our daily actions. Please meet some of our students discussing our Values here.

    Director of Choral Music

    The Director of Choral Music is responsible for providing vision and leadership of the choral music program at Royal St. George’s College. This role requires a deep understanding of music, teaching, and leadership skills to sustain a vibrant and successful choral music program. The Director of Choral Music plays a vital role in nurturing and sustaining the longstanding tradition of choral music at the College while showcasing the talents of choir members and contributing to the cultural and artistic enrichment of the broader school community.

    Job Summary: Reporting directly to the Headmaster, the Director of Choral Music is responsible for planning, organizing, and leading choral music programs across the school. This includes training and leading choristers, selecting and arranging music, conducting rehearsals and performances, and providing musical education and guidance to our community. The Director also manages administrative tasks related to the choral program, such as budgeting and scheduling.

    The Director of Choral Music teaches high school credit courses for students in grades 9 to 12 and acts as Choirmaster to the College Choir which includes students from grades 5 to 12 and interested faculty and staff members. This is a full-time permanent position commencing at the start of the 2024/25 school year.

    Key Responsibilities:

    ●      Plan, deliver, assess and report on credit courses for                        students enrolled in AMV10, AMV20, AMV3M and AMV4M

    ●      Choose appropriate choral music pieces that align with the            skill level, repertoire and performance objectives.

    ●      Lead choir rehearsals, conduct performances and ensure a             high standard of musical performance from the choir.

    ●      Conduct and lead the College’s Annual Service of Nine                    Lessons and Carols.

    ●      Develop a cohesive artistic vision for the choral program,                 incorporating themes or concepts as needed.

    ●      Collaborate with accompanists, instrumentalists, and other             artists as required.

    ●      Provide vocal training and music theory instruction to choir            members, helping them improve their skills.

    ●      Foster a deep appreciation for music and the choral arts                  among choir participants.

    ●      Maintain an inclusive and welcoming environment for all                  interested individuals.

    ●      Manage the choral music program's budget.

    ●      Schedule rehearsals, performances, and other events,                      coordinating with other stakeholders.

    ●      Collaborate with members of the Arts department to                         integrate choral music within the other domains of the Arts.

    ●      Collaborate with community organizations, schools, and                   other entities to promote the choral program and increase  its visibility.

    ●      Continuously assess and evaluate the choir's performance and progress, implementing improvements as needed.


    ●      Bachelor's or Master's degree in Music, Choral Conducting,            or a related field.

    ●      Extensive experience in choral music and conducting.

    ●      Relevant teaching experience and qualifications a strong                preference.

    ●      Proficiency playing the organ a strong asset.

    ●      Strong knowledge of music theory, vocal techniques, and                choral repertoire.

    ●      Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

    ●      Leadership ability and organizational skills.

    ●      Experience working with diverse groups of students and                  promoting inclusivity.

    ●      Dedication to fostering a love for music and the arts.

    Located in the Annex neighbourhood in downtown Toronto, Royal St. George's College is an urban day school for boys grades 3 through 12 that combines academic excellence with a stimulating and supportive learning environment. RSGC offers a challenging program of academics, athletics, the arts, outdoor education, community outreach and co-curricular activities. We provide faculty and staff with a supportive and dynamic work environment and a comprehensive and competitive compensation package.

    We encourage applications from all qualified individuals. In addition to outlining your skills and qualifications, we invite you to include supplementary information that tells us more about you: life experiences, affiliations, committee involvement, volunteering, passions etc.

    If you’ve read this far and can recognize yourself in this opportunity and want to learn more about it, please reach out.

    We welcome you to indicate your interest in being a candidate for this position by emailing a cover letter, resume and additional information to the attention of Stephen Beatty, Headmaster at indicating Director of Choral Music in the subject line by June 10, 2024.

    Should you be contacted regarding any opportunity at the College and require accommodation, please let us know.

    Eligibility to work in Canada and clearance of a Criminal and Vulnerable Sector Background check are required.

  • 06 June 2024 11:17 AM | Anonymous

    Overview of the Position

    • Hours: 20 hours per week
    • Compensation – Based on RCCO Guidelines and as agreed between the successful applicant and St John’s Church
    • Benefits include a pension and long-term disability insurance, with optional dental and health coverage
    •  Reports to – Incumbent and Churchwardens
    •  Starting date – To be determined

    Technical Qualifications

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Music
    • Experience directing choirs and instrumentalists
    • Proficiency in various styles of music for piano and organ
    • Broad range of musical knowledge and ability
    • Membership in RCCO preferred 

    Behavioural Qualifications

    • Excellent leadership, teaching, communication, and collaboration skills
    • Strong interpersonal and team-building skills and demonstrated ability to work in an open, honest, and approachable manner
    • Entrepreneurial approach to the role, seeking to expand and innovate the music ministry

    Responsibilities of the Director of Music

    • Leads the music program of St John’s Church. The primary focus of this program is music for Sunday worship, for the major festivals of the Christian calendar, and for other liturgical events that require music. This includes:
    o    researching musical styles, both traditional and     contemporary, and selecting appropriate anthems, hymns, songs, and psalms for the congregation, cantors, and choir in consultation with the Incumbent
    o   conducting the choir and other musicians as required, including trumpets and other instruments, with particular attention to St John’s special relationship with The Strings of St John’s.
    o   performing solo pieces on organ and piano
    o   encouraging congregational singing and musical participation.
    • Works in close consultation with the Incumbent to plan, execute, and implement the musical elements of worship and liturgy.
    • Recruits new members of the choir, mentors, teaches and trains the choir, and provides special assistance to choir members as needed.
    • Works with the Incumbent and churchwardens to establish the music budget and is responsible for adhering to the budget. This includes the selection and hiring of choral scholars and instrumentalists.
    • Ensures that the church has current music copyright licences and reports music usage to conform with licence requirements and ensures that the church also maintains a broadcast licence as required for recordings of copyright protected music that are shared on the website, YouTube, and other broadcast vehicles.
    • Is familiar with Anglican liturgy and tradition, liturgical seasons, other musical styles, and also sensitive to the diversity of the congregation.


    Please submit your application to the attention of Brian Cameron, Chair of Music Director Selection Committee, at by September 20, 2024. All applications will be considered with strictest confidence.

    The selection process will include a live audition playing the organ and piano, rehearsal with the choir, and an interview with representatives of St John’s Church, Ottawa.

    Although the position of Director of Music as described above is preferable, St. John’s would consider splitting the position with a choral director holding the main position and an organist providing accompaniment for rehearsals, services and concerts.

    Inquiries about the position are welcome. Please contact St John’s Church at

    For more information about St. John’s mission and ministries, including our music program, please visit our web site HERE.

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The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

Phone: 416.929.6400
Email: info[at]

The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

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