Leaving a Legacy Gifts in Your Will Benefits to leaving a gift in your will
How do I leave a gift in my will? You may gift a specific amount (a stated sum of money), a percentage of your estate (giving a percentage keeps your gift in line with your assets as they change in value), or specific holdings such as securities or other items. (See below for more information)
Gifts of Stocks / Securities
To do this, direct your broker to electronically transfer your securities to the Royal Canadian College of Organists. Our broker will then facilitate the sale of the stock on the day your gift is received. Based on the sale price, we issue you a charitable receipt for 100% of the funds received. Contact us at info@rcco.ca for a template with the complete account details. Gifts of Life Insurance Consider naming the Royal Canadian College of Organists as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy. This is an affordable way to arrange a significant future gift without diminishing your current financial resources. Your gift goes directly to the Royal Canadian College of Organists upon your death and is not considered part of your estate. In this way, you avoid associated probate fees. Your estate will be issued a charitable tax receipt for the entire amount in the year the gift is received. Gifts of RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs These three well-known savings vehicles can potentially make up a large portion of accumulated assets at death. Consider speaking with your financial advisor to name the Royal Canadian College of Organists as the beneficiary of the proceeds of your RRSP, RRIF, or TFSA. Proceeds from these funds can provide a significant future gift to our organization and contribute greatly to the important work we are doing to support, promote, and celebrate the organ and its music in Canada. Your gift goes directly to the Royal Canadian College of Organists upon your death and is not considered part of your estate. Need more information? Please contact Elizabeth Shannon, Executive Director, at execdirector@rcco.ca or 416-929-6400 for more information. | In this section |