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  • 26 April 2023 3:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are pleased to announce financial support to participants attending the 2023 Summer Organ Academy.

    Thanks to the generous support of our donors, The Good Foundation Inc. and The Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation, a bursary of up to 50% of registration fees will be available to all students registered in the full 5-day program of the 2023 Summer Organ Academy. 

    Register Now!

    These bursaries are being provided to support organist training by offsetting the cost of attendance. Simply submit a letter of request to indicating your need for this assistance when registration is complete. (Note, an additional travel bursary may also be available for participants required to travel a significant distance. Please contact us for details.)

    Students aged 24 or under as of July 1, 2023, should also consider applying for the Paul Grimwood Scholarship, an award of up to $500 granted annually to a Summer Organ Academy student. More details and the application form can be found here.


    Elizabeth Shannon, Executive Director

  • 22 April 2023 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The RCCO Vancouver Centre is hosting an organ crawl this morning, ending with a concert in the afternoon.

    We are going to start at 9am on the three manual Casavant organ at the New Westminster Christian Reformed Church

    8255 13th Ave.,

    Burnaby, B.C., V3N 2G6.

    At 11am we will be at St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Parish 2881 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, V5T 3G1 with its unique organ.

    Finally at 2pm we will attend this concert:

    Christina Hutten, organist, harpsichordist will present works by Bach, Frescobaldi, Buxtehude, Sweelinck, Brahms, Storace, Demessieux, Franck and more….

    Admission by donation

    St Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church

    1573 18th Ave E, Vancouver, British Columbia V5N 2H4

  • 22 April 2023 11:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tune in at 20:00 on Saturday 22 April to to be inspired and entertained by The Organ Show - Live!      

    Read about the history of International Organ Day, and find more ways to get involved here:

  • 28 March 2023 2:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

  • 23 March 2023 12:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Semi-Finalists are:

    Joshua Ehlebracht

    Isaac Howie

    Martin Jones

    Owen Spicer

    Alexander Straus-Fausto

    Our thanks to the Preliminary Round Judges:

    Wendy Markosky

    Michelle Martin-Atwood

    David Palmer

    The Semi-final round will take place on  Saturday, July 1, 2023 at Rosedale Presbyterian Church, Toronto at 10:00 am and 1:30 pm, with the Final round being held on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at Lawrence Park Community Church at 2:00 pm
  • 24 February 2023 1:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are very saddened to share the news that Thomas Fitches, long-time member and Chair of the Historic Organ Committee, has passed away.

    The following is a message from The Rev. Andrew Federle, Rector of St. Clement's Church, Toronto, where Tom served as Music Director until 2015:

    It is with sadness that I share with you news of the death of Tom Fitches. 

    I received word late this morning and have spoken personally with Tom’s family. Tom died at home, having felt unwell the last few days. Tom’s expressed wish was to be buried in the courtyard of St. Clement’s, and details regarding his funeral service will be shared widely once finalized. 

    Tom served St. Clement’s as Director of Music for 42 years, retiring in 2015. The bell in our belltower is named, “Faithful Tom,” for this man who embodied this particular fruit of the Spirit so wholeheartedly. 

    Despite a cancer diagnosis, Tom continued to serve, play, and teach in churches throughout the city, most recently at Grace Church on-the-Hill. Tom remained Organist Emeritus of St. Clement’s, joining us as recently as last summer for a month of Sundays.  

    The news of Tom’s death arrived on Ash Wednesday - a day on which our bodies are marked and our souls claimed: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” 

    Yet even at the grave we make our song. We share with you Henry Purcell’s Hear my prayer, recorded live at our Ash Wednesday service yesterday evening. Dedicated to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Tom Fitches.  (Link to video here)

    Yours truly in Christ,

    The Rev. Andrew Federle


    St. Clement’s Church, Toronto

  • 09 February 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Production of the RCCO's Organist Launchpad professional development video series is well underway, and we already have lots of great material! Here are some pics from the session with Cadence Brassard and Rashaan Allwood:

  • 02 February 2023 2:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    National Organ Competition Application

    Deadline Extended to February 15, 2023 Apply Now!

  • 25 January 2023 12:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cadence Brassard and Rashaan Rori Allwood (composer of the commissioned organ work for the 2023 National Organ Competition) were recently featured on the TVOKids show Backyard Beats. Check it out here:


The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

Phone: 416.929.6400
Email: info[at]

The Royal Canadian College of Organists

20 St Joseph St

Toronto, ON M4Y 1J9

Téléphone : 416.929.6400
Courriel : info[

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