Earlier this year, internationally-regarded organist-composer Denis Bédard turned 70 – a milestone that would have been celebrated together by organists from across the country at Organ Festival Canada – Victoria, BC in July. Indeed, Bédard was due to have given the premiere of his Fantasia alla marcia (commissioned by the Festival) in a celebratory recital on July 9.
Sadly, the festival had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. So in lieu of an in-person premiere, the composer has kindly agreed to give this piece its first performance by video (as one of four special events in Organ Festival Canada Online - https://www.facebook.com/rcco.ca/). As a special birthday gift from Denis Bédard and Organ Festival Canada to the RCCO membership and festival registrants, you can click here to access a preview score to this new work. Please feel free to print a copy and add it to your repertory. But remember: No sneaky premieres until after the premiere event! (https://www.facebook.com/events/1169267320094313/)
Of this new piece, the composer writes:
Fantasia alla marcia was composed in October 2019. Written in a Neo-romantic style, it is in four sections, the first being a very joyful and rhythmic march and the second featuring a tranquil melody on a solo stop. Then follow first a short interlude on the Celestes and finally a repeat of the first section culminating in a brilliant coda, which displays the full splendour of the organ.
La Fantasia alla marcia fut composée en octobre 2019. De style néo-romantique, elle se compose de quatre parties : une première section très joyeuse et rythmée, en forme de marche; une deuxième section plus tranquille, très mélodique et faisant chanter un jeu solo; un court interlude sur la voix céleste, suivi de la reprise de la première section, amplifiée d'une brillante coda faisant sonner l'orgue dans toute sa splendeur.
Denis Bédard