We are pleased to announce the list of nominees standing for election to the 2024-2025 Board of Directors and Regional Council.

Additional nominations for these positions may be made by the membership on or before May 1, 2024. Nomination submissions must be received by the National Office on or before May 1, 2024 and consist of 1) the consent in writing of the nominee, and 2) the signatures of five other members in support of the nomination.
Where only one person is nominated for a position, those nominated will be elected by acclamation. Where more than one person is nominated for the available position(s) an election will be conducted. (In the event more than one person is nominated for a Regional Councillor position, only members of Centres in that region are eligible to vote.) If required, the election will be conducted online and managed by a third-party voting service provider to maintain confidentiality. A notice with candidate information and full voting instructions will be sent in mid-May. Members without an email address will receive an election package in the mail. Voting will close June 15, 2024. (Members who have email but would prefer to vote by mail-in ballot must notify the national office prior to May 1, 2024.)

Elizabeth Shannon
Executive Director